{"comments":{"1345056":{"pb_id":"77280","pb_type":"members","likes":"0","parent_id":"0","pid":"1345056","comment_id":"1345056","member_id":"77280","comment":"I have been running for years, as well as refereeing soccer for 9 years, and bringing breakfast back up is a huge fear of mine in either scenario. I usually just do not eat before a 5K race or if I am in the middle for a soccer match. I see people eating stuff before races or before matches and all I can think is that they are going to get sick. In general I try not to eat within 3-4 hours of my daily runs. I had no idea something like a bagel with PB would be okay. Sweet! Thanks!","date_added":"Jun 2nd 2015, 6:57pm","nest":0,"liked":false,"member":[],"can_delete":false,"item_id":2213,"item_type":"blogs","pb_image":"\/\/www.runnerspace.com\/forum\/uploads\/av-77280.jpg","pb_title":"CaseyHorton77","pb_url":"profile.php?member_id=77280","pb_url_dns":"https:\/\/CaseyHorton77.runnerspace.com\/","pb_wally_id":"1676824"}},"last_id":"1345056","url":"comments.php?item_type=blogs&item_id=2213&item_url=profile.php?member_id=5335"}